Thursday, May 9, 2019

Research and Discussion Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

And Discussion - Research Paper Example86 (95.6%) of these attended class on campus, and 4 (4.4%) studied off campus. 67 (74.4%) students travelled to the campus using a personal vehicle while 23 (25.6%) used public transport. Of the students recruited to the study, 32 (35.5%) belonged to the Christian faith, 23 (25.5%) were Atheists, 20 (22.2%) were Agnostic, 3(3.3%) followed Hinduism, 2 (2.2%) followed Buddhism, 1 (1.1%) was Wiccan and 9 (10%) chose not to respond. 82 (91.1%) students responded that they did enjoy being at the University while 7 (7.8%) said that they did not. 1 (1.1%) chose not to respond. When asked to respond to how much they enjoyed University, 32 (35.6%) said that they only enjoyed it somewhat 48 (53.3%) said Quite a lot, and 10 (11.1%) responded that they enjoyed it totally. When asked how important they pitch having a sense of community 4 (4.4%) found it not important at all, 3 (3.3%) found it not very important 31 (34.4%) found it somewhat important, 37 (41 .1%) found it important, 12 (13.3%) found it very important and 3 (3.3%) chose not to respond. The subjects ranged in age from 19 to 57 years, with a mean age of 27.58 years and an SD of 9.3 years. The SES ranking ranged from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 98 the mean ranking was 64.93 with an SD of 24.37. The subjects were found to spend from 3 to 40 hours on campus the mean time spent on campus being 13.43 hours with an SD of 8.06 hours. The students were found to have a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 50 friends on campus the mean being 9.16 with an SD of 8.17. Statistical tests were conducted to study the relationships between these variables. A correlation conducted to test the relationship between the number of friends a person had and the greatness they attached to having a sense of community was found to be significant at the 0.01 level r (85) = 0.348 p 0.01 two-tailed. The relationship between the age of the participants and the design to which they enjoyed University wa s overly found to be significant p (88) = 0.289 p 0.01 two tailed. The correlation computed to test the relationship between the primary location of study and the importance associated with a sense of community was not significant p (85) = 0.041 NS. The relationship between the number of friends and the extent to which the subject enjoyed University was alike not significant p (88) = -0.031 NS. The relationship between the time spent in Australia and the extent to which the subject enjoyed University was also not significant p (88) = 0.173 NS. The independent t test conducted to test if gender did affect the extent to which students enjoyed University was found to be not significant t (88) = 1.548 NS. On the other hand, the independent t-test that checked if gender did affect the extent of importance attached to the sense of community was slightly significant, missing the 0.05 level of significance marginally t (85) = - 1.785 p 0.07 two tailed. The t-test conducted to verify if location of study affected the sense of importance of community were insignificant t (85) = -0.382 NS as was the t-test to verify if the location of study affected the extent to which the student enjoyed University t (88) = 0.018 NS. The data collected from the focus host interviews was recorded verbatim and then analysed using the Leximancer profile and the data thus gleaned was interpreted according to the mise en scene in which the verbatim reports were collected

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