Monday, May 13, 2019

Nanook of the North (YouTube) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nanook of the North (YouTube) - Essay ExampleModern weapons were also absent due to the use of handed-down homemade weapons like the harpoon and knives.The photos of the movie also illustrate the pre-industrial period. The movie uses white and b privation image visualizations to indicate the colonial period before the industrialization took place. The movie is shot in a opposed place where there is barely any modern development but only the presence of born(p) environment (All Classic Video 1922). The movie portrays empathy in the way the Inuits used live for example done the building of Igloos during the harsh winter period.Some problems can be noted from the movie. There is some lack of realism in the movie like during the killing and pulling ofa seal from a 10 to 12 feet hole. We cannot see how the seal was killed and how it was pulled from underwater which clearly indicates that it was killed by a gun and pulled using a modernized tool which was hidden during the cast (All C lassic Video 1922). In the social context, it can be noted that almost everything the Inuits used came from animals the food, clothing, tools and

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