Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Comparison of the Society of Animal Farm and America Today :: comparison compare contrast essays

Comparison of the Society of Animal Farm and America TodayHumankind has always had a thirst for power over its peers, environment and phantasmal beliefs. To quench this thirst it has gone as far as genocide but has often employed more subtle techniques, such as creative thinker control. In todays socio-economical and policy-making universe of discourses, mind control plays a key role in dictating tastes and lifestyles as well as controlling political thoughts, views, and the great unwasheds understanding of the world. It is accomplished using various channels to condition peoples thinking. Publicity and advertisement campaigns saturate people with products, bare over radio, and tv which in itself is a prime example. Many religions employ mind control, conditioning their followers to obey without questioning.With intimately global use of the television it has become a preferred method with which to influence and regulate peoples thinking, creating an unreal and idealistic, hyp othetical reality which people strive to emulate. This is accomplished finished shows and movies the majority of which emphasize a perfect world, entirely free of corruption and poverty where everyone is physically attractive, emotionally stable, and economically wealthy a distorted criticism of our own world. This leads real people to attempt to create this imaginary world, only to fail thus generating in themselves a sense of unworthiness, which in turn prompts them to undertake harder, to stop being individuals and become uniform.Another controlling method that is diffused through television, radio and written publications is any reported information about world politics and news. Powerful political groups narrow peoples views of what is going on around them by tainting and twisting information to their own device. They decide what to presuppose and when to say it, revealing as much or little information as desired, in befitting instances thus enabling them to hide informatio n they train deleterious to themselves, from the public. It also permits them to depict opponents in overly negative terms.Similar to news in its widespread marketing, publicity is another method in which peoples minds are reprogrammed, this time by the merchandisers. Publicity attempts to ingrain concepts and transmit political and commercial messages into the consumers minds, in an endeavor to make them buy special goods. They do this by constantly exposing the people to the products through their repeated displayal on various mediums. Billboards and posters can be found on most highways, and in nearly all cities around the world. Consequently they push ideas at the consumer any time he/she travels on foot, by car, or even uses the public transport systems.

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