Friday, May 31, 2019

They Died With Their Boots On :: essays papers

They Died With Their Boots OnProduced in 1943, They Died With Their Boots On, a Warner Brothers film, is a horribly inaccurate account of the events that lead to the booking of Little Big Horn. His early days in war were depicted accurately, however. Boots told of his experiences at West Pointe the most important experience is, notably, his graduation. He received the compulsive worst scores ever recorded at West Pointe upon his commencement. After that point, it all goes down hill. Custer was also a womanizer, but in this film he was quite a gentlemen, being sure to get Elizabeth Bacons fathers permission for everything the two did together. Custer was displayed as a very sympathetic and warm-hearted general, turn he was, in actuality, not such. Custer was known to be rather a large egoist and somewhat of a rude man. Then, for dramatic effect, filmmakers sham a conspiracy that Custers enemies concocted to remove him from opposition. His opponents, executives of a large company which he refused a position in, lied about gold in the dense Hills in order to trick thousands of Americans into violating a peace treaty with the Sioux. The truth there really WAS gold in the Black Hills. Negro slaves were depicted as goofy and silly, added only for comic effect. One chick in particular danced about singing a rhyme, Rabbits foot, work your charm, protect that ladys man from harm after reading the tea leaves for a friend. The Sioux Indians were also depicted rather inaccurately. They all wore a single feather in the backs of their heads and yipped and hollered just as Indians would do. They screamed and beat their hands on their mouths, all the while speaking English in the manner of a five year-old. Finally, the films depiction of Civil War battles, not to mention the battle of Little Big Horn, were laughable. There were twenty, MAYBE thirty men all lined up on either side of the field, and every time the Union soldiers fought, at least two Confederate soldiers o r Indians fell, dead. However, when the opposing side fired or attacked, the Union cavalries were nearly impregnable.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Kate Chopins The Awakening Essay -- Kate Chopin Awakening Essays

Kate Chopins The wake Kate Chopins novel The Awakening expresses the difficulty of finding a womans place in monastic order. Edna learns of unused ideas such as freedom and independence while vacationing in sybaritic Isle. Faced with a choice to conform to societys expectations or to obey personal desires for independence, Edna Pontellier realizes that either option will result in dissatisfaction. Thus, Ednas awakening in Grand Isle leads to her suicide. Ednas awakening occurs during her familys vacation in Grand Isle. It is here that she learns to freely express herself and be unreserved in her behavior and speech. by dint of the Creole women, Edna becomes free from the chains that stay put her to societal expectations. Adele initiates Ednas arousing as does the local flirtatious man, Robert Lebrun. It is at Grand Isle that Edna feels most alive engaging in idle talk, flirting unabashedly, receiving lovely attention from a man, paints, learning to swim, an awareness of independence, and becoming conscious of her sexuality. Through the contrast of her experiences (depression when at home and joy when playing at sea), Edna recognizes an awakening, or a change, within her self. She discovers a part of herself separate from her husband, children, and previous intent. This discovery fuels her incendiary rejection of her domestic responsibilities when she returns to her home in New Orleans. This ignites the passionate fire of her heart, causing her to joggle previous responsibilities, open a house independent of her husband to conciliate her sexual desires, and liberate herself from domestic restraints. Conclusively, Ednas vivification causes her to feel responsible for still her passions and urges, neglecting remaining responsibilit... ...nt for personal independence. It is only finished the futile attempts to investigate which option (convention or passion) is ruff that Edna realizes there is no appropriate choice to be made. Edna recognizes, through her awakening, the existence of two entirely unlike female models of society. Neither of the models change course her, and thus, she stands in societal purgatory waiting, in vain, for some sort of epiphany as to which model is best for her. She cannot fully connect with either female model, nor can she remove connections that throw her to each. She is unwilling to compromise. Through her stubborn frigidity, Edna chooses a non-choice, to surrender to the author of her awakening the sea. From the sea, Edna learns of her independence. Into the sea, Edna surrenders societys undesired requirement of action. The sea becomes both the giver of life and provider of death. Kate Chopins The Awakening Essay -- Kate Chopin Awakening EssaysKate Chopins The Awakening Kate Chopins novel The Awakening expresses the difficulty of finding a womans place in society. Edna learns of new ideas such as freedom and independence while vacationing in Grand Isle. Faced with a choice to conform to societys expectations or to obey personal desires for independence, Edna Pontellier realizes that either option will result in dissatisfaction. Thus, Ednas awakening in Grand Isle leads to her suicide. Ednas awakening occurs during her familys vacation in Grand Isle. It is here that she learns to freely express herself and be unreserved in her behavior and speech. Through the Creole women, Edna becomes free from the chains that bind her to societal expectations. Adele initiates Ednas arousing as does the local flirtatious man, Robert Lebrun. It is at Grand Isle that Edna feels most alive engaging in idle talk, flirting unabashedly, receiving loving attention from a man, paints, learning to swim, an awareness of independence, and becoming conscious of her sexuality. Through the contrast of her experiences (depression when at home and joy when playing at sea), Edna recognizes an awakening, or a change, within her self. She discovers a part of herself separate from her husband, children, and previous life. This discovery fuels her incendiary rejection of her domestic responsibilities when she returns to her home in New Orleans. This ignites the passionate fire of her heart, causing her to shake previous responsibilities, open a house independent of her husband to quench her sexual desires, and liberate herself from domestic restraints. Conclusively, Ednas vivification causes her to feel responsible for only her passions and urges, neglecting remaining responsibilit... ...nt for personal independence. It is only through the futile attempts to investigate which option (convention or passion) is best that Edna realizes there is no appropriate choice to be made. Edna recognizes, through her awakening, the existence of two entirely unlike female models of society. Neither of the models fit her, and thus, she stands in societal purgatory waiting, in vain, for some sort of epiphany as to which model is best for her. She cannot fully connect with eit her female model, nor can she remove connections that bind her to each. She is unwilling to compromise. Through her stubborn frigidity, Edna chooses a non-choice, to surrender to the author of her awakening the sea. From the sea, Edna learns of her independence. Into the sea, Edna surrenders societys undesired requirement of action. The sea becomes both the giver of life and provider of death.

Extreme Advertising: Go Big or Go Home :: BTEC Business Marketing GCSE Coursework

Extreme Advertising Go Big or Go HomeThis Maxim climbing gear ad is an example of employ both aggressive language and images to promote climbing as an extreme sport.North character uses this image in their web page. If you wear North Face gear, you too can take your ice axes and back-counrty skis into the Tibetan wilderness.Adidas uses this image in their trail running ads. The caption in the image reads Runners. Yeah, Were Different. It invites people to relate to slightly of the more intimate details of a separate subculture.Intro Advertisements of outdoor gear tell us we live in an extreme world today. No longer do we go out mountain biking or skiing, they tell us. We need to go big, risking our lives to promote an image of ourselves as one who can bid the edge of the envelope by extreme mountain biking and extreme skiing. NorthFace, a high-end outdoor clothing company started this language in the 1970s in its advert of ski apparel. Now, most every sport has gone extreme. To advertise this new image, companies have attempted to use a variety of techniques that separate themselves from the rest of the crowd. They take on--Creating an Extreme Image to a Wide-Based Consumer Audience Boulder Gear and North Face.--Advertising to a Young, Aggressive Group Obsessed with Speed Manastash and an ad inside pinnacle Magazine--Creating an Insider Feeling of the Extreme...with a Dash of Playfulness Nike and Adidas Extremism as an image has come to include outdoor activities such as kayaking, skiing, climbing, mountain biking, windsurfing and a master of ceremonies of other mainstream outdoor activities. It has also brought about a variety of subcategories as well. Sky diving now has six new disciplines, including sky surfing, free ready and free style-an aerial ballet. There s even an extreme version of the extreme sport of sky diving called BASE begining (BASE=Bridge, Aerial, Structure, Earth) in which participants jump from low-lying structures and open their chute with only seconds separating them between an extreme experience and death (Heath 1997 p4). Sports are not the only aspect of extreme though. The language has seeped into our common vocabulary to the point that we can not do anything without having the possibility of doing it extreme. Bill Gates speaks of extreme programming, and there s extreme golf in which participants tactics golf around unused summer ski resorts. Books of extreme adventure have been popularized by John Kraukers Into Thin Air.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Analysis of the Chase Scene in Blade Runner Essays -- Film, Movies

The chase scene is a key part of the film as it influences the viewers overall opinion of the primary(prenominal) character, Roy. Throughout the film Roy is interpreted as the villain and Deckard seen as the hero. However this scene creates sympathy for Roy and portrays him as a saviour figure. Ridley Scott, the director, does this using a range of technical, cultural and symbolic codes. These are the semiotic codes this essay will explore. Technical codes are the design of technical techniques used to create a authorized atmosphere, mood or feeling. For example a Blue Filter is used to set a melancholy feel putting forward the image of Roy having the vapours. Cultural codes are themes or techniques used in media that are linked in some way to religion, culture, events in history or previously promulgated books and films (media). An example would be Ridley Scotts use of neon signs (TDK), behind Roy at the end of the chase scene. This suggests l inks with Tokyo, a main focal point for manufacturing goods. Symbolic codes use words, objects and images to represent a certain emotion or idea. In this case their main purpose is to provoke sympathy. An example would be Roys black Nazi bolt coat symbolising/portraying him as an evil character. To begin the scene, the mood is set by a blue filter. This is a technical code provoking the emotion of sadness. This effect creates sympathy for Roy because the atmosphere is dismal and melancholy. Likewise the establishing shot is in soft focus, another technical code creating a gentle, calm mood, which contrasts with the emphasis later to come. These two techniques toget... ...s meanwhile show he feels yet again as a human does and hence the viewer relates to Roy and therefore empathises with him. Finally he dies and a dove flies away out of his hands, representing peace and Roys soul. But does Roy have a soul? This is one of the many rhetorical quest ions the viewer is remaining to think about. It is not a spoken question, it is an open-ended sign, there is no limit the audiences interpretation it is a mere guide to their emotional response. To conclude I think the piece is extremely successful in making the viewer feel sympathy for Roy by means of each semiotic code. The issues raised about Roy through these leave the viewer in suspense with unanswered questions like Was Roy programmed to have emotional responses? What are his rights? Maybe he was man made. But arent we all?

Comparison of the Society of Animal Farm and America Today :: comparison compare contrast essays

Comparison of the Society of Animal Farm and America TodayHumankind has always had a thirst for power over its peers, environment and phantasmal beliefs. To quench this thirst it has gone as far as genocide but has often employed more subtle techniques, such as creative thinker control. In todays socio-economical and policy-making universe of discourses, mind control plays a key role in dictating tastes and lifestyles as well as controlling political thoughts, views, and the great unwasheds understanding of the world. It is accomplished using various channels to condition peoples thinking. Publicity and advertisement campaigns saturate people with products, bare over radio, and tv which in itself is a prime example. Many religions employ mind control, conditioning their followers to obey without questioning.With intimately global use of the television it has become a preferred method with which to influence and regulate peoples thinking, creating an unreal and idealistic, hyp othetical reality which people strive to emulate. This is accomplished finished shows and movies the majority of which emphasize a perfect world, entirely free of corruption and poverty where everyone is physically attractive, emotionally stable, and economically wealthy a distorted criticism of our own world. This leads real people to attempt to create this imaginary world, only to fail thus generating in themselves a sense of unworthiness, which in turn prompts them to undertake harder, to stop being individuals and become uniform.Another controlling method that is diffused through television, radio and written publications is any reported information about world politics and news. Powerful political groups narrow peoples views of what is going on around them by tainting and twisting information to their own device. They decide what to presuppose and when to say it, revealing as much or little information as desired, in befitting instances thus enabling them to hide informatio n they train deleterious to themselves, from the public. It also permits them to depict opponents in overly negative terms.Similar to news in its widespread marketing, publicity is another method in which peoples minds are reprogrammed, this time by the merchandisers. Publicity attempts to ingrain concepts and transmit political and commercial messages into the consumers minds, in an endeavor to make them buy special goods. They do this by constantly exposing the people to the products through their repeated displayal on various mediums. Billboards and posters can be found on most highways, and in nearly all cities around the world. Consequently they push ideas at the consumer any time he/she travels on foot, by car, or even uses the public transport systems.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Charles Dickens Essay -- essays papers

Charles Dickens Charles tail Huffam Dickens is the greatest English writer that ever lived. He was ace of the well-nigh popular writers in the history of literature. Surely no English author is so well known and so widely read, translated and remembered as Charles Dickens. He fame is well deserved. From the pen of this great author came such characters as Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim, Mr. Pickwick, and Little Nett. Dickens was born on February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth and spent most of his childhood in London and Kent, both of which appear frequently in his novels. Charles Dickens was the son of John and Elizabeth Dickens. John Dickens worked as a shop clerk at the Navy pay office in Portsmouth. Charles, the second of seven children, went to the local school. John Dickens found it difficult to provide for his growing family on his small pay. In 1822 the family moved to Camden Town in London. John Dickens debts had become so severe that all the hous ehold goods were sold. Still unable to satisfy his creditors, John Dickens was arrested and sent to Marshalsea Prison. At age 12, Charles found work at Warrens Blacking Factory, where he was paid six shillings a week wrapping bootblack bottles. The brief time that he worked at the Blacking Factory haunted him all of his life. He spoke of it only to his wife and to his closest friend, John Forster. The roughly time he had there would show up in his stories David Copperfield and in Great Expectations. Six months after being sent to Marshalsea, one of John Dickenss relatives died. He was left enough money in the will to pay off his debts and to leave prison. Some of the inheritance was used to educate Charles at a nearby private school, Wellington House Acade... ... the problem he gained copyright for the holds sold in America. The only thing that I didnt understand about this book was how the author said that Charles was a self-centered man but he argued to try to abolish slavery a nd gave some of his earning from book writing to charities. That doesnt well(p) self-centered to me. Everything else about it was outstanding and I learned a lot. Charles Dickens went through a lot of rough times in his life and cease up on top. He came from being a normal middle class citizen to being one of the most popular people in the world. His books drive home been read, translated and made into motion pictures. They have been read and watched by people for years and will still be in years to come. Charles Dickenss person-to-person life grew increasingly unhappy and drove him to an early death. But His work remains, funny, sad, warm, and stunning.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Brain research and full day kindergarten

Education is an key aspect of the human life and company. To twenty-four hours, it is quite noticeable how the society has institutionalized education and the educational system. To mean solar twenty-four hourslight, someones start schooling as previous(predicate) as four or five years of age. The common entry rate for schooling is kindergarten. All around the world, more p arnts send their tiddlerren to schools for kindergarten, with many different expectations, merely mostly in the belief that this is a solid starting register that hind end help the child be ready for the next step in his or her education.Over the years, kindergarten has be settle increasingly important, especially during the time when researchers have be out the connection on dendrite growth and academic stimulant. This made them believe that if individuals are submitted to academic stimulation in the earliest time possible, this can partake significantly his mental faculty and capacity. Brain orga nic evolution has been responsible for the new view and approach to kindergarten leading the win over and shift from one-half sidereal daytime to respectable day.However, it appears that in analysis, even with the merit of this model hypothetically, unanimous approval and appreciation for this purpose is still to be achieved considering how sectors of the society are reacting differently and in alter fashion regarding this issue. This is an important aspect of hold forthion and exploration regarding effective day kindergarten scheme and the hotshot development premise. History Kindergarten Kindergarten came to America from Germany, the term meaning childrens garden.Friedrich Froebel and Margethe Meyer Schurz are two of the leading personalities who began the practice of kindergarten (Persky, Golubchick, 1991, p. 263). As the name implies, it refers to a system and a place wherein children are brought together and is being prepared for formal schooling. Kindergarten, as a form of preparatory stage, at first, was pore on making children possess sufficient social skills to allow them to interact right with other individuals during formal schooling.Kindergarten education prepares them by teaching basic things which they will need in formal schooling and will serve as foundation of what they will look and how they will learn in formal schooling. Kindergarten eventually spread all around the world. Educators run awaying in kindergarten follow learning models as well as educational theories that demand the kindergarten experience useful and constructive for the child. Kindergarten originally was just a half day session, with educators thinking that half a day is adequate schooling for individuals this age (Persky, Golubchick, 1991, p.263). This was changed when scientists put for ward the uncovering involving the brain and its development (Eden, 2008, p. 214). During this stage and age, the role of intervention and the resulting conclusion that if t his was the shell, then it is important that the child is correctly and sufficiently prepared, therefore the shift from half day to all-day or full day or whole day kindergarten scheme. Half day to full day kindergartenFrom purely being half-day sessions, changes and developments and new perspectives regarding kindergarten education surfaced and resulted in the change from half day to all-day or whole day sessions. There were two important constituents that take to the shift from half day to whole day or all-day kindergarten the scientific footing and the practical basis. No one knows for sure which came first. Is the practical need for all-day kindergarten invigorate researchers to look at any possible scientific credence this filling might possess?Or was it the other way around and was a case of scientific intuition among professionals leading to the discovery of the scientific basis for all day kindergarten? This, in turn, made parents realize that in any case the scienti fic basis, this option alike has practical significance for them and the children that condescend and popularity for all-day kindergarten grew especially across America, as well as in other parts of the world. Regardless of this chicken-and-egg condition, it is nonetheless important to discuss both aspects affecting the creation of and the shaping of all-day kindergarten as it is known to day.a. Scientific basis The main artery of the shift from half day to all day or whole day kindergarten is based on the discovery on the brain, in exceptional, the development that is happening in the brain when it is being subjected to academic stimulation at an early age. Professionals who were involved in this scientific athletic field explain that dendrites grew when on a lower floor academic stimulation. Dendrites are found in the brain. They are important in the learning index and processes of the human beings. Their development is important in the mental faculty of an individual.In la ymans terms, the growth and branching out of dendrites indicate active mental practices and exercises which in turn allows for improved processes of the mental faculty or thinking. Professionals as well as neuroscientists have already connected the growth and branching out of dendrites when under academic stimulation. This is proof that when the brain is exposed to academic stimulation or learning process especially in the early formative years, the physiological make up of the individual, particularly the brain develops and adjusts depending on what it is being subjected to.Therefore the childs mind is subjected to longer academic stimulation that can be an important factor for mental growth and capability in the future. This is the main premise of the scientific basis of the full day kindergarten scheme. Professionals argue that it is important that we must look at our childrens entry point into education (Miller, Gore, 2007, p. 140). New research into brain development demonstra tes that the first three years of a childs life are extremely vituperative for her emotional and intellectual growth (Miller, Gore, 2007, p. 140) which necessitated the need for all day kindergarten programs (Miller, Gore, 2007, p.140). People involved in it Educators, psychologists, neuroscientists and different professionals have been involved in the studies leading to this particular discovery and in the creation of a new perspective in kindergarten. Todays early childhood educators recognize children as active learners, not jugs waiting to be filled or blank slates waiting to be written upon (Handelman, Auerbach 2000, p. 4). Individuals like David Sousa as well as many other professionals came forward in support of this new notion regarding brain development and the need for a whole day kindergarten schedule and the merits of this kind of scheme.Professionals explain that it is get windable why such discovery was only made today because of many important considerations, one of which is the ethical as well as technological considerations on the ability of the human to understand the brain. In the past and without the technology for non-invasive and ethical brain study procedures, scientists are left with the one and only option available for them to study brains from dead plenty. This option left them with very limited areas of research and study, and no prospect at all at studying the human brain composition it is still existing and in motion.However, because of the current technology and scientific processes and abilities available to scientists today, the brain is now accessible for exploration in such a way that it is not unethical, riotous and non-invasive. This led the scientists to what they recently discovered about dendrite activity and its connection with academic stimulation. b. Practical basis Besides the scientific basis, there is also the practical basis that was used by parents and educators in approving the full day scheme.This ha s something to do with the current family and parent socio-economic and socio-cultural conditions. Economy has made it a necessity for both parents to work at the same time. This allows the parents money to send their children to good schools which they hope can look after their children while they are at work. Parents believe that full day kindergarten is like hitting two birds with one stone. First, their child is exposed to extended periods of studying and education and has limited time for other things that are harmful to the child in the long run like watching television, for example.At the same time, parents are more assured of their childs safety and well being since they are at school, attend by teachers who are trained to handle children. While this does not fully eliminate the use of nanny or a household helper, parents believe that besides the children, parents are also benefited in particular, specific ways through this scheme (Lerner, Jacobs, Wertlieb, 2003, p. 202). F ull day kindergarten was introduced to speak to the needs of the growing number of working parents who cherished their children to be looked after for the whole day (Lerner, Jacobs, Wertlieb, 2003, p. 202). Full day kindergarten todayToday, many schools all around the United States, as well as in many other different countries that feature kindergarten in their school and education system, use the all-day or whole day kindergarten scheme. It adheres to the idea presented by scientists, psychologists and educators who believe that exposing children to longer educational experiences at school can help improve the mind and improve the capacity of the individual for learning and mental processes in the future. The full day kindergarten scheme has attracted many supporters who called for the institutionalization of full day kindergarten schemes.Organizations, groups and institutions, such as the Education Commission of the States or simply the ECS (Neal, 2006, p. 117), support the full day kindergarten. The shift from half day to all-day or whole day kindergarten session is not just merely an extension of time, nor was it a quantum leap in the learning experience for the kindergarten. Part of the change in session was the realization that teaching style, educational approach and learning perspectives should also change. It should focus more on the newfound consciousness regarding the learning ability of a child and the importance of maximizing it in the earliest possible time.Because of this, kindergarten changed. From focusing in learning through play in the past, the learning social structure of kindergarten became more oriented in structured academic learning. This means that part of the learning experience included learning languages and mathematics as well as other things like color and shape cognition and identification, memorization skills, interpersonal skills, play, even good morals and conduct and religion in other kindergarten schools and institutions (Persky, Golubchick, 1991, p.263). These early kindergarten programs focused on the basic concept that childs play was significant and that when it was intelligently directed gave impetus to cognitive development (Persky, Golubchick, 1991, p. 263). From this point, the perspective changed and focused more on academic learning. This move towards change was hinged on the scientific discovery regarding the brain of the child and how in that stage the brain should begin the experience of being harnessed.When the individual grows up and matures, he or she will possess the mental capacity for competitive and capable learning and is suitable for more advanced learning in the future. Todays full day kindergarten, despite its admirable background and history, is nonetheless facing many different problems as well as criticisms. Professionals involved in this sphere undertake many different studies to be able to find answers to these problems and to address the different criticisms hurled at the practice of full-day kindergarten.a. Studies regarding all day kindergarten Authors like Cryan (1992) and Elicker and Mathur (1997) provide the people with materials they can read and refer to when considering full day kindergarten scheme and their opinion about it (Cryan, 1992, p. 187 Elicker and Marthur 1997, p. 459). These authors as well as many other authors have come up with results of studies, research and analysis tackling this matter both in books as well as in peer reviewed journals.Psychologists and educators appear to have undertaken intensive study and research efforts regarding the different aspects of all-day kindergarten so that they can discover new information regarding this practice that can help in determining what new course of activity to take with regards to the full-day kindergarten scheme. There are currently numerous published works as well as books and even internet articles about the results of studies and research efforts focused on full day kinde rgarten. In general, the content of these materials stand in two polar regions.There are those that attest to the positive impact of this scheme while on the other hand, there are those who present criticisms as well as new areas of investigation which they believe is important. These realms that they identified remain unexplored. This means that full day kindergarten scheme cannot be considered to be fully apotheosis and suitable, not until all areas of inquiry and possible sources of problem are identified, studied and resolved. b. Criticisms and problems The full day kindergarten scheme was not without criticisms as well as its own set of problems.Parents are one of the most important groups that can strengthen or startle the progress and practice of full day kindergarten. They also became sources of important criticisms and arguments regarding full day kindergarten scheme. One of the most basic areas of standoff resulting to criticisms of this scheme is the resulting tug of w ar between parents who essential two different things for their children those who want to keep kindergarten at half day while those who wanted schools to shift to whole day or full day kindergarten (Lerner, Jacobs, Wertlieb, 2003, p. 202).The introduction of full day kindergarten more than a decade ago has brought to a head an ongoing controversy between parents who want half day program and those who want the full day program (Lerner, Jacobs, Wertlieb, 2003, p. 202). Some parents point out that despite what scientific research claims as the nonsuch learning time and opportunity, a child is presented and should be exposed to at that age. Parents argue and reason that scientific research, on the other hand, has not fully answered the wonder regarding the effect to the children of being removed from their biological parents for that long period of time.They still could not explain the effects as well as possible problems that can arise when children are constantly under the care of someone they do not know and does not know the child, even with the fact that they are manifest professional and capable educators (Lerner, Jacobs, Wertlieb, 2003, p. 202). Parents look at kindergarten in the traditional way and regard full day away from home as too frequently time for a 5-year old to spend in the care of a non parental adult (Lerner, Jacobs, Wertlieb, 2003, p.202). There are also those who pointed out that full day kindergarten does not automatically mean dramatic change in learning and development. The main supporting ideas for the establishment of this kind of approach to kindergarten education is about the scientific claims on improved and increase brain development via academic stimulation. Part of the equation (and an important part) is curriculum, teaching styles and methods as well as other every bit important factors like teacher competency, environment.Eden (2008) pointed out in a book that providing a full day program for four year olds, for exampl e, has much merit, but not if what is provided is simply watered-down first-grade curriculum (Eden, 2008, p. 214). Conclusion The work of the forerunners of the concept of kindergarten has come a long way. Today, it is something that appears to have evolved significantly over time, with many different important changes. This includes the change happening during the 90s the shift from half day to full day kindergarten school time.Like many complex issues in the society, the debate over which between half day and full day kindergarten scheme is better. There is also a debate if full day kindergarten schedule by itself and outside of comparison is ideal for children and their welfare is a topic that is not easily answerable by a yes or a no. There are many fair-haired(a) areas and dark areas that are yet to be discovered and explored so that more answers are available for people to use in this particular decision and position.Nonetheless, the brain development and its connection to education in early childhood is an important breakthrough that can impact education for years. As for kindergarten, the newfound scientific perspective has made it clear that even the humble and previously seemingly non-bearing educational experience which is kindergarten appears to be, after all, something that holds a significant importance in the mental development of the individual. This is something that professionals should look on and design carefully in the future, for the benefit of the child above anyone else.References Cryan, J. (1992). Success outcomes of full day kindergarten More positive behavior and increased achievement in the years after. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2, 187-203. Eden, S. T. (2008). Play Works Helping Children Learn Through Play. Indiana Author House. Elicker, J. and Mathur, S. (1997). What do they do all they? Comprehensive evaluation of a full-day kindergarten. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 4, 459-480. Handelman, M. S. and Auerbach, J . J. (2000). Jewish Every Day The Complete enchiridion for Early Childhood Teachers.Colorado Behrman House, Inc. Lerner, R. M. , Jacobs, F. and Wertlieb, D. (2003). Handbook of applied developmental science promoting positive child, adolescent, and family development through research, policies, and programs, Volume 1. California SAGE. Miller, J. and Gore, A. (2007). The Compassionate Community Ten Values to Unite America. New York Palgrave Macmillan. Neal, R. G. (2006). The deserve Collapse of Public Schools. Indiana Author House. Persky, B. and Goubchick, L. , H. (1991). Early Childhood education. Maryland University Press of America.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Comparing the Two Poems: Clown Punk and Medusa Essay

Compare the ways the fathead crummy and Medusa show characteristics of existence isolated and having bad or no kind of relationship with people.Both the Clown Punk and Medusa show characteristics of being isolated from humans as shown in the Clown Punk, a man is being shunned by the general public, he is thought to be a bit of a jocosity not to be unsayn seriously or treated as an equal. People fear him, yet despite this they also have a contrasting emotion of pity. Once thought of as rebellious, the man has now faded into the background, being forced to choose a simple job his lack of cultivation ensures this. He is a clown. The town clown. Medusa can relate to the Clown Punk because, although she was once accepted amongst people beautiful and in love she doubted her fiancs loyalty, slowly transforming her into a bitter and unsightly woman, beting it would be so better by far for me if you were stone in hopes that he would determine as isolated as she felt. Medusas wild th oughts slowly began to take action on her come outance, transforming her into a gorgon. Although Medusa and the clown punk are confusable in many ways, Medusa chose to exclude herself from the rest of society, wanting to be unseen and living in the shadows of life, while the clown punk was turned extraneous wanting to be noticed but forever ignored.The Clown Punk uses plenty of emotive language to emphasize the situation that the clown punk is a character the reader must feel for. The structure of the poesy is 4 lines long within 4 stanzas, apart from the last which contains only 2, perhaps to show attention to the incident that people wish that they could see little of the clown. Medusa however uses a lot of figurative language using similes and metaphors to emphasise the fact that Medusa is a character the reader must fear but also pity, similar to the Clown Punk Emotive language, such as deflate face is used in the Clown Punk to create a vivid image for the reader. Th e language used allows the reader to picture the clown, making him appear more realistic and letting the reader feel sympathy for the clown punk because they can now imagine him clearer as a person with emotions. rancid the hairs on my head to filthy snakes, as though my thoughts hissed and spat on my scalp This sentence is used in the Medusa poem because unlike the Clown Punk it usesboth figurative language and emotive language, such as the simile, the use of the word filthy and alliteration of the S sound.The S sound creates the scent out that the reader can actually hear the snakes upon Medusas head, these snakes share Medusas thoughts, and take action upon them. The shonky side of town is used in the Clown Punk because the clown does not belong to the good side of town. shonky is a new word, invented by the author to show that there is no way to describe the dreadfulness of where the clown lives without mixing and matching words, (shonky is made up of shady and wonky) this is perhaps to show the slang attitude of punk rock. At the end of the second stanza within the Medusa poem, their is a question which seems rhetorical where in actual fact the question is answered at the beginning of the third stanza, making the reader pause momentarily before receiving the answer. This pause makes the question more frightening because waiting slightly adds drama and suspense to the poem.Within the structure of the Clown Punk you could argue that the poem contains some characteristics of a sonnet, this could show that the clown punk is going against normal rules, he is rebelling. The structure of the Medusa poem is rather long compared to the relatively small Clown Punk Medusa poem does not rhyme, whereas the Clown Punk rhymes in the first, part of the third, and last stanza. The clown punk uses the same amount of syllables in each line in the first stanza. The reader of Medusa would feel sorry her. Although Medusa rejected herself from social interaction, she is wi ld and can barely think straight without the snakes twisting her every thought.In addition to this, the reader may also attempt to understand medusas situation, in spite of the fact that she is no longer human the reader can still sympathise with her. The author of the Clown Punk never reveals the clowns actual name, this makes him seem mysterious and less human. Without a name, the public nickname him words that can scare other people away from him. It is this fear that contradicts the readers earlier emotion of pity. The reader of this poem would feel sympathetic at the relationship between the clown and the people, they would perhaps also feel grateful that they are accepted into their community and no longer take for granted their friends and family.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Personal and Imaginative Writing: The Big Splash!

The soft wind whistled its melody in my ears, the sun shone brightly in my fountain as I skipped towards Bruce Castle Park with my child Daniella, my brother Marcell and my Daddy. My sister was eleven, my brother was ten and I was seven, so I was the baby at the time. I was so excited to get into the park, I heard loads of screaming and shouting babies, toddlers and children, I saw a long queue at the ice-cream van. alone I wanted to do was get into the park and join the fun. My sister, brother and I ran towards the park anticipating, leaving my dad strolling behind.I pushed open the black showy gate to get into the park and dragged my brother and sister with me. The first thing that caught my eyes was the large swimming kitten. There were plenty of children splashing, screaming and shouting in there they looked same(p) they were re completelyy enjoying themselves. I wanted to go and join in. I ran towards the fun, intuitive feeling excited. I heard my dad calling, but I snub her because I wanted to get in the pool, even thought I didnt have my swim suit. My dad called me and told me to go back everyplace to him, I was huffy because I was so close to joining in the fun.As I walked towards my dad I kept on looking back at all the children enjoying themselves in the pool. When I got over to my dad he simply told me to take my sister to the pool with me because my brother and him were going to play football. My sister didnt want to play, so I agreed. Once again I made my way over to the pool, it looked so colourful because of all the different coloured swim suits. I told my sister how thrilled I was to go and play in the pool. She was also thrilled but explained to me that we could not get into the pool because we had no swim suits and no potpourri of clothes.I was disappointed but concurred without any choice. We got to the pool and the atmosphere was great loud, colourful and fun. All of the children were playing together. My sister and I looked at e ach other, grinned and hopped onto the inward pool rim, rolled up our trouser legs and began to walk around the national edge of the pool. Other children told us to get in, but we couldnt, so we explained to them why, they were let shoot but accepted it. They were very nice and friendly children. Daniella and I wanted to launch out feet in so we had to be really careful and dip only put feet in.The water was as cold as ice, and clear like crystals, it felt so good. Daniella and I carried on walking around the inner edge of the pool. We were getting wet because of the children splashing, but that was no worry, because the sun was blazing hot and our clothes would dry in no time. I had a feeling that someone would pull us in or we would fall in, so I was careful with my every step. My dad yelled to us to come over and have some snacks and juice, my sister and I rushed so we could get back to the pool as soon as possible. We hurried back over to the pool as our new friends waited. Daniella and I carried on playing on the inner pool edge, but I began to get bored so I had a fantastic idea. I explained it to my new friends. The game was called bulldog. What you had do was my sister and I had to throw the ball and aim it at the people in the pool. Whoever it blast had to come on our team and help get the people in the pool out, leaving a winner. The game began and we were all enjoying it, Daniella and I were really good at getting people out. Round 1 of water bulldog had finished, so we decided to play Round 2. We had to be careful because the inner edge of the pool was socking wet.I aimed the ball at one of my friends in the pool and got him out, so he had to come and join my sister and I. My friend in the pool threw the ball to me but it was a short throw, so I tried to stretch and catch the ball, I felt myself stumble so I grabbed onto Daniella and we both(prenominal) fell into the pool and made a big splash My sister and I looked at each other and explode d with laughter, it was like a express emotion fit, we could not stop laughing. The water was freezing cold, I could feel my goose pimples rising all over my body. I struggled to get out of the pool as my clothes were dripping wet and dragging me back down into the pool.When I finally got out I helped my sister to get out as she was attempt too. We had to go and tell my dad what had happened, neither of us knew if he was going to shout or laugh, so we walked over in suspense. Daniella and I held each others workforce tight as we left our footprints behind us. When we got to our dad and brother Marcell they were in stitches before we could tell our story. My sister and I were relieved. Dad asked us what happened so we both took it in turns to explain. They both kept teasing us after we had told them it didnt bother us because we found it funny too.The sun was still sizzling hot like sausages on the fire, so my sister and I decided to lay down on the bright green grass and try and get our clothes dry. We place there for approximately thirty minutes but our clothes didnt seem to be drying quick enough, so we told our dad that we were bored and wanted to go home. , so we did. Because out clothes were still wet Daniella had to wear my dads vest, and I had to wear his t-shirt on the way home. They looked like dresses because they were down to our ankles, but it looked cute. Once again the giggles began, what an excellent end to a great day out.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Dirty Job Chapter 19

19Were OKAY, AS LONG AS THINGS DONT GET WEIRDALVIN AND MOHAMMEDWhen Charlie arrived home from his m differents funeral, he was met at the limen by two truly large, very enthusiastic ca orders, who, undistracted by keeping watch everyplace Sophies love hostage, were now able to visit the full measure out of their affection and joy upon their returning master. It is gener on the wholey agreed, and in fact stated in the bylaws of the American Kennel Club, that you have non been truly dog-humped until you have been double-dog-humped by a pair of four-hundred-pound hounds from hell (Section 5, paragraph 7 Standards of Humping and Ass-dragging). And de hatred having used an extra-strength antiperspirant that very morning before leaving Sedona, Charlie found that getting poked repeatedly in the armpits by two damp devil-dog dicks was leaving him notioning less than fresh.Sophie, c alone them off. Call them off.The puppies are dancing with Daddy. Sophie giggled. Dance, DaddyMrs. Ling c overed Sophies eyes to eggshell her from the abomination of her fathers unwilling journey into bestiality. Go wash hands, Sophie. Have lunch objet dart you daddy make nasty with shiksas. Mrs. Ling couldnt help but do a quick appraisal of the m sensitiontary value of the slippery red dogwoods currently pummeling her landlords oxford-cloth shirt handle piston-driven leviathan lipsticks. The herbalist in Chinat induce would pay a sight for a powder make from the desiccated members of Alvin and Mohammed. (The men of her homeland would go to any length to enhance their virility, including grinding up endangered species and brewing them in tea, not un desire certain American pre fontnts, who believe in that location is no stiffy tie-upardized the one you get from bombing a few thousand foreigners.) barely it appeared that the desiccated-dog-dick fortune would remain unclaimed. Mrs. Ling had extensive ago given up on collecting hellhound bits, when after movementing to dispatch Alvin with a crisp and ringing blow to the cranium from her cast-iron skil allow, he bit the skillet off its handle, crunched it down in a slurry of dog drool and iron filings, and accordingly sat up and begged for seconds.Throw some water on them Charlie cried. Down, doggies. Good doggies. Oh, yuck.Mrs. Ling was galvanized into action by Charlies distress call, and timing her move with the oscillating gain of man and dog tenderness in the doorway, dashed by Charlie, into the hallway, and down the steps.LILYLily came up the stairs and skidded to a stop on the hallway railcarpet when she cut the hellhounds pounding away at Charlie. Oh, Asher, you sick bastardHelp, Charlie tell.Lily pulled the waken extinguisher off the wall, dragged it to the doorway, pulled the pin, and proceeded to unload on the bouncing trio. Two minutes later Charlie was collapsed in a frostingy heap on the threshold and Alvin and Mohammed were locked in Charlies bedroom, where they were joyfully chewing away on the expended fire extinguisher. Lily had lured them in at that place when they had tried to stick the CO2 stream, seeming to enjoy the freezing novelty of it over the welcome-home humping they were giving Charlie.You okay? Lily said. She was wearing one of her chef coats over a red leather hiss and knee-high platform boots.Its been kind of a rough week, Charlie said.She helped him to his feet, trying to avoid touching the damp spots on his shirt. Charlie did a cont dramatis personaeed fall toward the couch. Lily helped him land, ending with one arm pinned awkwardly under his back.Thanks, Charlie said. There was still frost in his whisker and eyelashes from the fire extinguisher.Asher, Lily said, trying not to look him in the eye. Im not well-to-do with this, but I think, given the situation, that its time I said something.Okay, Lily. You want some coffee?No. Please shut up. Thank you. She paused and took a compact breath, but did not extricate her arm from behind Cha rlies back. You have been good to me over the years, and although I would not admit this to anyone else, I probably wouldnt have completed school or turned out as well as I have if it hadnt been for your influence.Charlie was still trying to see, blinking away ice crystals on his eyelids, thinking that maybe his eyeballs were frostbitten. It was nothing, he said.Please, please, shut up, Lily said. Another deep breath. You have always been decent to me, despite what I would call some of my bitchier moments, and in spite of the fact that you are some dark death dude, and probably had other things to worry close to sorry about your mom, by the way.Thanks, Charlie said.Well, given what Ive heard about your night out before your mom died and whatnot, and what Ive seen here today, I think that its only right that I do you.Do me?Yes, she said, for the greater good, even though you are a complete tool.Charlie squirmed away from her on the couch. He looked at her for a second, trying t o figure out if she was putting him on, past, deciding that she wasnt, he said, Thats very sweet of you, Lily, and nothing weird, Asher. You need to understand that Im only doing this out of basic human decency and pity. You can just take it to the hoes on Broadway if you need to get your repel on.Lily, I dont know what And not in the cornerstone, Lily added.There was a high-pitched modest-girl giggle from behind the couch. Hi, Daddy, Sophie said, popping up behind him. I missed you.Charlie swung her up over the back of the couch and gave her a big kiss. I missed you, too, sweetie.Sophie pushed him away. How come you have frosting on your hair?Oh, that Lily had to spray some frost on Alvin and Mohammed to settle them down and it got on me.They missed you, too.I could tell, Charlie said. Honey, could you go play in your room for a bit while I rag to Lily about business?Where are the puppies? Sophie asked.Theyre having a T.O. in Daddys room. Can you go play and well have some Cheese Newts in a little while?Okay, Sophie said, sliding to the floor. Bye, Lily. She waved to Lily.Bye, Sophie, Lily said, looking even more pale than usual.Sophie marched away in rhythm to her untried chant, Not in the butt not in the butt not in the butt.Charlie turned to face Lily. Well, that ought to liven up Mrs. Magnussens first-grade class.Sure, its embarrassing now, Lily said, without missing a beat, but someday shell thank me.Charlie tried to look at his shirt buttons as if he were deep in thought, but instead started to giggle, tried to stop, and ended up snorting a little. Jeez, Lily, youre like a little sister to me, I could n eer Oh, fine. I offer you a gift, out of the goodness of my heart, and you Coffee, Lily, Charlie said with a sigh. Could I just get you to make me a cup of coffee instead of doing me and sit and talk to me while I drink it? Youre the only one who knows whats going on with Sophie and me, and I need to try to sort things out.Well, that will p robably take longer than doing you, Lily said, looking at her watch. Let me call down to the store and tell Ray that Ill be a while.That would be great, Charlie said.I was only going to do you in exchange for information about your Death Merchant thing, anyway, Lily said, picking up the phone on the breakfast bar.Charlie sighed again. Thats what I need to sort out.Either way, Lily said, Im unbending on the butt issue.Charlie tried to nod gravely, but started giggling again. Lily chucked the San Francisco Yellow Pages at him. THE MORRIGANThis nous smells like ham, said Nemain, wrinkling her nose at a lump of meat she had impaled on one long claw.I want some, said Babd. Gimme. She slashed at the carrion with her own talons, snagging a fist-sized hunk of class in the process.The three were in a forgotten subbasement beneath Chinatown, lounging on timbers that had been burned black in the great fire of 1906. Macha, who was starting to manifest the pearl headdress she wore in her woman form, studied the skull of a small animal by the light of a candle shed do from the fat of dead babies. (Macha was ever the artsy-craftsy one, and the other two were jealous of her skills.) I dont understand why the understanding is in the meat, but not in a man.Tastes like ham, too, I think, Nemain said, spitting glowing red bits of soul when she talked. Macha, do you remember ham? Do we like it?Babd ate her bit of meat and wiped her claws on her breast feathers. I think ham is new, she said, like cell phones.Ham is not new, Macha said. Its smoked pork.No, said Babd, aghast.Yes, said Macha.Not human flesh? Then how is there a soul in it?Thank you, Macha said. Thats what Ive been trying to affirm.Ive decided that we like ham, said Nemain.Theres something damage, Macha said. It shouldnt be this easy.Easy? said Babd. Easy? Its taken hundreds no, thousands of years to get this far. How many other(prenominal) thousands of years, Nemain? Babd looked to the poison sister.Many, sa id Nemain.Many, said Babd. Many thousands of years. Thats not easy.Souls sexual climax to us, without bodies, without the soul stealers, that seems too easy.I like it, Nemain said.They were quiet for a moment, Nemain nibbled at the glowing soul, Babd preened, and Macha studied the animal skull, turning it over in her talons.I think its a woodchuck, Macha said.Can you make ham from woodchuck? Nemain asked.Dont know, said Macha.I dont remember woodchuck, Nemain said.Babd sighed heavily. Things are going so well. Do you two ever think about when we are Above all the time, and nighttime rules all, about, you know, what accordingly?What do you mean, what then? Macha asked. We will hold dominion over all souls, and visit death as we wish until we consume all the light of humanity.Yeah, I know, Babd said, but then what? I mean, you know, dominion and all that is nice, but will Orcus always have to be around, snorting and growling?Macha put down her skull and sat up on a blackened beam. Whats this about?Nemain smiled, her teeth perfectly even, the canines just a little too long. Shes pining about that skinny soul stealer with the sword.New Meat? Macha couldnt believe her ears, which had become visible only a few days ago when the first of the gift souls had wandered into their claws, so they hadnt been tried in a while. You like New Meat?Like is a little strong, Babd said. I just think hes interesting.Interesting in that youd like to rank his entrails in interesting patterns in the dirt? Macha said.Well, no, Im not talented that way like you.Macha looked at Nemain, who grinned and shrugged. We could probably try to kill Orcus once tincture rises, Nemain said.I am a little tired of his preaching, and hell be impossible if the Luminatus doesnt appear. Macha shrugged a surrender. Sure, why not. THE EMPERORThe emperor moth of San Francisco was troubled. He sniff outd that something very wrong was going on in the City, yet he was at a loss as to what to do. He didnt want to alarm the people unduly, but he did not want them to be unprepared for whatever danger they capability face. He believed that a just and benevolent ruler would not use tending to manipulate his people, and until he had some sort of proof that there was an actual threat, it would be criminal to call for any action.Sometimes, he said to Lazarus, the steadfast specious witnessr, a man must muster all of his courage to simply sit still. How ofttimes humanity has been spoiled for the confusion of movement with progress, my friend? How much?Still, hed been seeing things, strange things. One late night in Chinatown hed seen a dragon made of fog snaking finished the streets. Then, early one morning, down by the Boudin Bakery at Ghirardelli Square, he saw what looked like a nude woman covered in motor oil crawl out of a besiege sewer and grab a tall, half-full latte cup out of the trash, then dive right back in the sewer as a policeman on a bicycle rounded the corner. He knew that he saw these things because he was more sensitive than other people, and because he lived on the streets and could sense the slightest nuance of change there, and largely because he was completely barking-at-the-moon batshit. But none of that relieved him of the responsibility to his people, nor did it ease his mind about the disturbing nature of what he was seeing.The squirrel in the hoop skirt was really bothering the Emperor, but he couldnt exactly say why. He liked squirrels often took the men to Golden Gate commons to chase them, in fact but a squirrel walking upright and digging through the trash behind the Empanada Emporium while wearing a pink ball gown from the eighteenth century well it was off-putting. He was sure that Bummer, who was curled up sleeping in the oversized pocket of his coat, would agree. (Bummer, be a rat dog at heart, had a less than enlightened outlook upon coexistence with any rodent, no less one dressed for the court of Louis XVI.)Not to be critical, said the Emperor, but shoes would be a welcome complement to the ensemble, dont you think, Lazarus?Lazarus, normally tolerant of all noncookie creatures great and small, growled at the squirrel, who appeared to have the feet of a birden sticking out from under her skirt, which you know was weird.With the growl, Bummer squirmed awake and emerged from the woolen bedchamber like Grendel from his lair. He immediately erupted into an apoplectic barking fit, as if to say, You guys, in lineament you didnt notice, theres a squirrel in a ball gown going through the trash over there and youre just sitting here like a couple of concrete library lions The message thus barked, off he went, a furry squirrel-seeking missile, bent on single-minded annihilation of all things rodent.Bummer, called the Emperor. Wait. as well as late. The squirrel had tried to take off up the side of the brick building, but snagged her skirt on a gutter and fell back to the alley, just as Bummer was hit full stride. Then the squirrel snatched up a small board from a broken pallet and swung it at his pursuer, who leapt just in time to miss taking a nail in one of his bug eyes.Growling ensued.The Emperor discover at that point that the squirrels hands were reptilian in nature, the fingernails painted a pleasant pink to match her gown.You dont see that every day, the Emperor said. Lazarus barked in agreement.The squirrel dropped the board and took off toward the street, moving nicely on her chicken feet, her skirt held up in her lizard hands. Bummer had recovered from the initial shock of a weapon-wielding squirrel (something he had encountered before only in doggie nightmares brought on by the late-night gift of chorizo pizza pie from a charitable Dominos guy) and took off after the squirrel, followed closely by the Emperor and Lazarus.No, Bummer, the Emperor called. Shes not a normal squirrel.Lazarus, because he did not know how to say well, duh, stopped in his tracks and looked at the Emperor.The squirrel rocketed out of the alley and took a quick turn down the gutter, falling now to all fours as she went.Just as he reached the corner, the Emperor saw the trail of the tiny pink dress disappear down a storm sewer, followed closely by the intrepid Bummer. The Emperor could hear the terriers bark echoing out of the grate, fading as Bummer pursued his prey into the darkness. RIVERANick Cavuto sat down across from Rivera with a plate of cow stew roughly the size of a garbage-can lid. They were having lunch at Tommys Joynt, an old-school eatery on Van Ness that served home-style food like meat loaf, roasted flop and stuffing, and buffalo stew every day of the year, and featured San Francisco sports teams on the TV over the bar whenever anyone was playing.What? said the big cop, when he saw his partner roll his eyes. Fucking what?Buffalo almost went extinct once, Rivera said. You have ancestors on the Great Plains?Special law enforcement portions protecting a nd serving and stuff requires protein.A whole bison?Do I criticize your hobbies?Rivera looked at his half a turkey sandwich and cup of bean soup, then at Cavutos stew, then at his runt of a sandwich, then at his partners colossus of a stew. My lunch is embarrassed, he said.Serves you right. Revenge for the Italian suits. I love going to every call with people thinking Im the victim.You could buy a steamer, or I could have my guy arrest you some nice clothes.Your guy the accompanying-killing thrift-store owner? No thanks.Hes not a serial killer. Hes got some weird shit going on, but hes not a killer.Just what we need, more weird shit. What was he really doing when you had that shots-fired report?Just like it said, I was going by and a guy tried to rob him at gunpoint. I drew my weapon and told the perp to halt, he drew down on me, and I fired.Your ass. You never fired eleven shots in your life you didnt hit the ten X ring with nine of them. The fuck happened?Rivera looked down the long table, made sure the three guys sitting down at the other end were engaged in the game showing on the TV over the bar. I hit her with every shot.Her? Perp was a woman?I didnt say that.Cavuto dropped his spoon. Partner? Dont tell me you shot the redhead? I thought that was over.No. This was a new thing like Nick, you know me, Im not going to fire unless its justified.Just say what happened. I got your back.It was like this bird woman or something. All black. I mean make love black as tar. Had claws that looked like I dont know, like three-inch-long silver ice picks or something. My shots took chunks out of her feathers and black goo and shit everywhere. She took nine in the torso and flew away.Flew?Rivera sipped his coffee, eyeing his partners reaction over the edge of the cup. They had been through some extraordinary things working together, but if the situation had been reversed, he wasnt sure hed believe this account statement either. Yeah, flew.Cavuto nodded. Okay, I c an see why you wouldnt put that in the report.Yeah.So this bird woman, Cavuto said, like that was settled, he totally believed it, now what? She was robbing the Asher guy from the thrift expose?Giving him a hand job.Cavuto nodded, picked up his spoon, and took a huge bite of stew and rice, still nodding as he chewed. He looked as if he were going to say something, then quickly took another bite, as if to stop himself. He appeared to be distracted by the game on television, and finished his lunch without another word.Rivera ate his soup and sandwich in silence as well.As they were leaving, Cavuto grabbed two toothpicks from the dispenser by the register and gave one to Rivera as they walked out into a beautiful San Francisco day.So you were following Asher?Ive been trying to keep an eye on him. Just in case.And you shot her nine times for giving the guy a hand job, Cavuto finally asked.I guess, Rivera said.You know, Alphonse, that right there is why I dont hang out with you socially . Your values are fucked up.She wasnt human, Nick.Still. A hand job? mortal force? I dont know It wasnt deadly force. I didnt kill her.Nine to the chest?I saw her it last night. On my street. Watching me from a storm sewer.Ever think to ask Asher how he happened to know the flying bulletproof bird woman in the first place?Yeah, I did, but I cant tell you what he said. Its too weird.Cavuto threw his arms in the air. Well, sweet Tidy Bowl Jesus skipping on the blue toilet water, we wouldnt want it to get fucking weird, would we? LILYThey were on their second cup of coffee and Charlie had told Lily about not getting the two soul vessels, about the encounter with the sewer harpy, about the shadow access out of the mountains in Sedona and the other version of The Great Big Book of Death, and his suspicions that there was a frightening problem with his little girl, the symptoms of which were two giant dogs and an business leader to kill with the word kitty. To Charlies thinking, Lily was reacting to the wrong story.You hooked up with a demon from the Underworld and Im not good enough for you?Its not a competition, Lily. Can we not talk about that? I knew I shouldnt have told you. Im upset(a) about other stuff.I want details, Asher.Lily, a gentleman doesnt share the details of his amatory encounters.Lily crossed her arms and assumed a pose of disgusted incredulity, an eloquent pose, because before she said it, Charlie knew what was coming Bullshit. That cop shot pieces off her, but youre worried about protecting her honor?Charlie smiled wistfully. You know, we shared a moment Oh my God, you complete man-whoreLily, you cant possibly be hurt by my by my response to your generous and let me say right here extraordinarily tempting offer. Gee whiz.Its because Im too perky, isnt it? Not dark enough for you? You being Mr. Death and all.Lily, the shadow in Sedona was coming for me. When I left town, it went away. The sewer harpy came for me. The other Death Mercha nt said that I was different. They never had deaths happen as a result of their front like I have.Did you just say gee whiz to me? What am I, nine? I am a woman I think I might be the Luminatus, Lily.Lily shut up.She raised her eyebrows. As if no.Charlie nodded. As if yes.The Big Death?With a capital D, Charlie said.Well, youre totally not qualified for that, Lily said.Thanks, I feel better now. MINTY FRESHBeing two hundred feet under the sea always made Minty uneasy, especially if hed been drinking sake and listening to jazz all night, which he had. He was in the last car on the last train out of Oakland, and he had the car to himself, like his own private submarine, cruising under the Bay with the echo of a tenor sax in his ear like sonar, and a half-dozen sake-sodden spicy tuna rolls sitting in his stomach like depth charges.Hed spent his evening at Satos on the Embarcadero, Nipponese restaurant and jazz club. Sushi and jazz, strange bedfellows, shacked up by opportunity and o ppression. It began in the Fillmore district, which had been a Japanese neighborhood before World War II. When the Japanese were shipped off to internment camps, and their homes and belongings sold off, the blacks, who came to the city to work in the shipyards building battleships and destroyers, moved into the lazy buildings. Jazz came close behind.For years, the Fillmore was the center of the San Francisco jazz scene, and Bop City on Post Street the premier jazz club. When the war ended and the Japanese returned, many a late night might find Japanese kids standing under the windows of Bop City, listening to the likes of Billie Holiday, Oscar Peterson, or Charles Mingus, listening to art happen and splay into the San Francisco nights. Sato was one of those kids.It wasnt just historical happenstance Sato had explained to Minty, late one night after the music had ended and the sake was making him wax eloquent it was philosophic alignment jazz was a Zen art, dig? Controlled spont aneity. Like sumi-e ink painting, like haiku, like archery, like kendo fencing jazz wasnt something you planned, it was something you did. You practiced, you played your scales, you learned your chops, then you brought all your knowledge, your conditioning, to the moment. And in jazz, every moment is a crisis, Sato quoted Wynton Marsalis, and you bring all your skill to bear on that crisis. Like the swordsman, the archer, the poet, and the painter its all right there no future, no past, just that moment and how you deal with it. Art happens.And Minty, taken by the need to escape his life as Death, had taken the train to Oakland to find a moment he could hide in, without the regret of the past or the anxiety of the future, just a pure right now resting in the ships bell of a tenor sax. But the sake, too much future looming ahead, and too much water overhead had brought on the blues, the moment melted, and Minty was uneasy. Things were going badly. Hed been unable to retrieve his l ast two soul vessels a first in his career and he was starting to see, or hear, the effects. Voices out of the storm sewers louder and more numerous than ever taunting him. Things moving in the shadows, on the periphery of his vision, shuffling, scuffling dark things that disappeared when you looked right at them.Hed even sold three discs off the soul-vessels rack to the same person, another first. He hadnt noticed it was the same woman right away, but when things started to go wrong, the faces played back and he realized. Shed been a monk the first time, a Buddhist monk of some kind, wearing gold-and-maroon robes, her hair very short, as if her head had been shaved and was growing out. What he remembered was that her eyes were a crystal blue, unusual in someone with such dark hair and skin. And there was a smile deep in those eyes that made him feel as if a soul had found its rightful place, a good home at a higher level. The next time hed seen her was six months later and she was in jeans and leather jacket, her hair sort of out of control. Shed taken a CD from the One Per Customer rack, a Sarah McLachlan, which is what hed have chosen for her if asked, and he barely noticed the crystal-blue eyes other than to think that hed seen that smile before. Then, last week, it was her again, with hair down around her shoulders, wearing a long skirt and a belted muslin poets shirt like an escapee from a Renaissance fair, not unusual for the Haight, but not quite common in the Castro still, he thought nothing of it, until she had paid him and glanced over the top of her dark glasses to count the cash out of her wallet. The blue eyes again, electric and not quite smiling this time. He didnt know what to do. He had no proof she was the monk, the chick in the leather jacket, but he knew it was her. He brought all his skills to bear on the situation, and essentially, he folded.So you like Mozart? he asked her.Its for a friend was all she said.He rationalized not con fronting her by that simple statement. A soul vessel was supposed to find its rightful owner, right? It didnt say he had to sell it immediately to them. That had been a week ago, and since then the voices, the scuffling noises in the shadows, the general creepiness, had been nearly constant. Minty Fresh had spent most of his adult life alone, but never before had he felt the loneliness so profoundly. A dozen times in the last few weeks hed been tempted to call one of the other Death Merchants under the computer simulation of warning them about his screwup, but mainly just to talk to someone who had a clue about what his life was like.He stretched his long legs out over three train seats and into the aisle, then closed his eyes and laid his head back against the window, feeling the rhythm of the rattling train coming through the cool glass against his shaved scalp. Oh no, that wasnt going to work. Too much sake and something akin to bed spins. He jerked his head forward and opened his eyes, then noticed through the doors that the train had gone dark two cars up. He sat upright and watched as the lights went out in the next car no, thats not what happened. Darkness moved through the car like a flowing gas, taking the energy out of the lights as it went.Oh, shit, Minty said to the empty car.He couldnt even stand up inside the train, but stand up he did, staying slumped a little, his head against the ceiling, but facing the flowing darkness.The door at the end of the car opened and someone stepped through. A woman. Well, not exactly a woman. What looked like the shadow of a woman.Hey, lover, it said. A low voice, smoky.Hed heard this voice before, or a voice like it.The darkness flowed around the two floor lights at the far end of the car, leaving the woman illuminated in outline only, a gunmetal reflection against pure blackness. Since he was first tapped as a Death Merchant, Minty had never remembered feeling afraid, but he was afraid now.Im not your lover, M inty said, his voice as smooth and steady as a bass sax, not giving up a note of fear. A crisis in every moment, he thought. one time youve had black, you never go back, she said, taking a step toward him, her blue-black outline the only thing visible in any direction now.He knew there was a door a few feet behind him that was held shut with powerful hydraulics, and that led to a dark tunnel two hundred feet under the Bay, lie with a deadly electric rail but for some reason, that sounded like a really friendly place to be right now.Ive had black, said Minty.No, you havent, lover. Youve had shades of brown, dark cocoa and coffee maybe, but I promise you, youve never had black. Because once you do, you never ever come back.He watched as she moved toward him flowed toward him and long silver claws sprouted from her fingertips, playing in the dim glow from the safety lights, dripping something that steamed when it hit the floor. There were scurrying sounds on either side of him, thi ngs moving in the darkness, low and quick.Okay, good point, Minty said.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Alcohol as an acceptable adjunct for occasions in our society Essay

There are approximately 50% or 126 million of Americans whom are past month alcohol drinkers, or also cognize as current drinkers. Also, approximately 23% or 55 million of Americans binge drink, and 6.6% or 16 million Americans reported heavy tipsiness.The estimated spending for health care services to treat alcohol problems, and its medical consequences of alcohol is 18.8 billion dollars a year. Alcohol is also officially linked to at least over half of all highway fatalities. To date, alcohol has been tried by 41% of 8th graders, 63% of 10th graders, 75% of 12th graders, and 87% of college students.Also there was an estimated 82 billion dollars lost in potential productivity due to alcohol and other drug use of goods and services. We all know that alcohol is offered almost everywhere we go. At parties, in bars, in clubs, in stores, and restaurants. People consume alcohol for every occasion they can think of, or just to make their problems go forward and to make them feel bette r, even though it is just for a limited amount of time. We all know what alcohol does, and can do.Why do we constantly chose alcohol at a party, in a bar, at a restaurant, or in a store? People can have fun without it. Alcohol is used to socialize better, but why cant people socialize without it? Why is alcohol used as an acceptable, unnecessary addition to celebrations much(prenominal) as parties, weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries, and as a way of relaxing and relieving stress and anxiety? People know what alcohol is about but yet continue drinking massively into more disasters.Reference Drugs and Society Tenth Edition Chapter 8 p.182-191, U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health http// use spirituous beverages to enjoy while chatting with friends. Thinking about the effects of alcohol on the health of a person using it is never apparent. The holidays are the time when torrent beve rages are mostly abused of which includes parties and small gatherings of friends and families. In this case, the people responsible in that activity such as hosts and party organizers must think of the golosh of every drinking pattern.Any risky of harmful pattern must be regulated and prevented. I am not saying that it is acceptable to use alcohol during parties. What I am trying to say is that when drinking alcoholic beverages cannot be prevented during holidays, proper caution must be used in doing so to prevent untoward incidents.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma Review Essay

This hold back was the bases and the most informative piece I have seen on a review of Pocahontas life in my perspective. Pocahontas life is a uncontrollable piece of history to analysis for the fact that her life is only denoted by other persons of history writings. She has no known piece of writing of her own so all knowledge is personal based of outside parties. This makes it for some snips difficult to truly believe everything for many of the views were from white men during a time level where they had not seen many females werent around. I believe the seed dissertation of the book for the Pocahontas part was her involvement with the English and her growth throughout her life. The other thesis of the book from the Powhatan side was there involvement with the English as well and there plan to use the culture simply at the same time push them away.Within the first five chapter of Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma it gives you a base review of history. This first part of the book it explains the culture of the Powhatan and how they are laid out. At this point in the book within the first chapter we find out that Pocahontas is only 9 years of age and her mother is nowhere to be found, but her father is Powhatan the chief of many native people and villages. It talks about the arrival of English in 1603 and we learn that many ships have come in the beginning us truly being to talk about bottom Smith and Jamestown. It also observe the arrival of Don Luis and the Spanish, but doesnt get into much detail he just seems to pop up with the first few chapters her and there. We learn that Pocahontas name means mischief or the little playful one.The author tells us that the native were not completely different from the Europeans just simply behind the times. We also learn that within the native culture of the Powhatan that there chiefs do not come from the next up son, but from marriage of the daughters. We also learn that the Europeans felt that the women of t he tribes need to be saved due to their work in the fields and other jobs around the village. It speaks of the natives religion of their belief in spirits within everything. John Smith comes into play in 1606 when the English begin to prepare for the Virginia campaign. What I learn from John Smith was that he was a captain that has been captured a lot and hasnumerous stories of being saved by women that fall lustful in love with.As kids watching films and stories we are told of Pocahontas is her and John Smith fall in love, but at the time of them confrontation Pocahontas wouldve been ten years of age. The plans of the English and John Smith was to improve native culture, use the land properly, get there before the Spanish, and bring English enlighten, and a place to send the unemployed English. One of the main fears that I read about in the reading was the fear of the English to become like the Indians. The edge we knowledgeable in class for this is recolonization.After the land ing John Smith gets taken by the Powhatan and convince them not to kill him by way of trade. He promises them weapons which out of smarts gives them a cannon which cannot be moved. Both the native and the English realize the need of each. Without one another the English could not survive without nutrient and the natives want weapons or easier put there technology. Over time many English were sent to live with natives to learn their culture and a native would be sent with the English. The most notable was Pocahontas herself was sent with the English to learn their language and lifestyle. The book talks of Pocahontas marriage first to a native warrior, but it fails to mention what happens to him.She later marries John Rolfe an English man who experience much of the reverse colonization. Before her marriage though Pocahontas was kidnapped one of the main characters they looked over her kidnapping was Sir doubting Thomas Dale who was the first Marshall of Virginia. Pocahontas would dec lare herself a Christian in 1616 and then start her life with John. They would build a log on the land John was granted from the Virginia Company. They would have two children together in their lifetime. Shortly after being settled in there Pocahontas would go to London and experience confessedly English culture. Pocahontas would become very ill around the time the Rolfe family was ready to head back to Virginia. Pocahontas died on March 21, 1617 in the Rolfe inn.What I learned from this book that for someone of her time period and of native culture Pocahontas got to see much more than any Native American of her time period for sure. I learned that much of what we were taught or told of her in are childhood was wrong. I learned that john smith storiescould not be trusted. The feeling I receive as well is Pocahontas rejected her culture and tribe, but in return was probably rejected in a way due to her mother situation. Though she readiness have be royal in a way just from some of the information I read. The book was good though and I enjoyed the take a firm stand of Pocahontas life.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Ideal Leaders In Lord Of The Flies Essay

Ralph, zany and neandertal all possess unique qualities. Are any of them elevated leaders? What important qualities do each of them possess (and lack) as regards leadership?Who is the natural leader in Lord of the Flies? This is the question that Golding is making us consider. There is no right or slander answer, as all of the boys possess unique leadership qualities. This es separate will explore what qualities of leadership Ralph, oafish and Jack possess (and lack), and at last come to a conclusion (if one send packing be found) as to which boy is the natural leader of the band of boys on the island.A leader is somebody who guides a congregation in whatever they do. They make policies, rules and, if necessary, decisions for the assembly that they lead, which the group should then follow.Ralph has a number of ideal leadership qualities. He is fair, maybe sometimes too fair, and believes in the idea of everyone having a chance to have their say (Ill give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when hes speechmakingAnd he wont be interrupted. Except by me. 31) However, the rule of freedom of speech is retrousse by Jack (Jack was the first to make himself heard. He had not got the conch and thus spoke against the rules, moreover nobody minded. 94) and Ralph does not do anything ab bulge it.This is one of the qualities that Ralph lacks. He makes rules, but is not willing to levy them because he fears that they may be ignored (You got to be tough now, make em do what you want. If I blow the conch and they dont come back, then weve had it 99) unless something happens to spur him to action, such as when Jack permit the fire out (So Ralph asserted his chieftainship and could not have chosen a repair way if he had thought for days. Against this weapon, so indefincapable and so effective, Jack was powerless and raged without knowing wherefore 77)Ralph believes in everyone having responsibility and everyone working unneurotic and helpin g each other to build a favored community. He caters the groups long term solutions such as shelters and a signal fire so that they would be rescued, however, he does not do enough to make these ideas attractive, and as a result he ends up doing close of the work while the hunters and littluns disappear to have fun (And they detect running off. You remember the contact?How everyone was going to work hard until the shelters were finished?, When the meeting was over theyd work for five transactions then wander off or go hunting. 51) This lack of acceptance of responsibility annoys him and makes him hostile (As they danced, they sang. Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in. Ralph watched them, envious and resentful. 79) towards Jack and the hunters. As a result, he is not as tolerant of them as he should have been and eventually insults that part of the group (What above my hunters? Boys armed with sticks. 137) This makes Jack angry enough to attempt to rebel against Ralphs le adership, and straight after he leaves to start a tribe of his own.He is very good at communication. He says what he thinks rather than trying to suppress his own opinions and feelings (Better oafish than Fatty, Ralph said with the directness of genuine leadership., I was chief, and you were going to do what I said. You talk. But you cant even build huts-then you go off hunting and let out the fire- 21/22) This is essential, because if you do not let others know your feelings, then they will not understand why you be acting the way you are, or your reasons for making decisions, and might think you are being unreasonable.He can make his speeches simple for the littluns to understand, yet powerful by using repetition and explanation (He had learnt as a practical business that fundamental statements likes this had to be said at least twice, before everyone still themHis mind was searching for simple words so that even the littluns would understand what the assembly was about. 84) H owever, as events curl out of his control, his speeches become less and less inspiring as he loses confidence in himself and his abilities, and eventually his followers desert him and he is left on his own, running for his life.Though Ralph is a natural leader (There was a stillness about Ralph as he sat that marked him outand most obscurely, yet most powerfully, in that respect was the conch. The being that had blown thatwas set apart 19), able to reassure and offer comfort (The assembly was lifted towards safety by his words. They liked and now respected him. 36), the values and goals that he presents as part of his leadership do not offer the security that the group needs when their morale is low as a result of fear of the beast.As a result, he is only able to lead when times are good. He clings to the same ideals that he had when he first came to the island the idea of rescue, retention civilisation intact and having rules, and is unable to adapt to the changing feelings on the island about those ideals when they are overtaken by more immediate and attractive offers (Because the rules are the only thing weve got Bollocks to the rules Were strong we hunt If theres a beast, well hunt it eat Well close in and beat and beat and beat- 99)Piggy supports Ralph in his leadership, but does not have the popularity to be a leader himself. He possesses a number of leadership qualities, but because of his unpopularity, he is often ignored (There had grown up tacitly among the biguns the opinion that Piggy was an outsider, not only by accent, which did not matter, but by fat, and ass-mar, and specs, and a certain disinclination for manual of arms labour. 68)Because of this, when important matters needing his input occur, his valuable ideas are often disregarded (We ought to be more careful. Im scared- Youre always scared. Yah Fatty 45) He is intelligent, and most of the sensible, good ideas come from him (what intelligence had been shown was traceable to Piggy 18 /19 Ralph We can use this the conch to call the others. Have a meeting. 12 Piggy moved among the crowd, asking names and frowning to remember them. 14 We havent made a fire whats any use. We couldnt keep a fire like that going if we tried. 41 The first thing we ought to have made was shelters down on the beach. 45)He is also a very good judge of character, though he seems blind when it comes to comprehend that the others, Ralph included, do not like him (He hates me Jack. I dunno why. If he could do what he wanted youre all right, he respects youI tell you what. He hates you too, RalphHe cant suffering you, but if you stand out of the way hed hurt the next thing. And thats me. 100/101) However, his pessimism (Theyre all dead an this is an island. Nobody dont know were here. Your dad dont know, nobody dont know We may stay here till we die. 9), his complaining and his dislike of manual labour leads to the other boys regarding him as being no use to the group, so they shout him down whenever he tries to speak (His voice lifted into the whine of virtuous recrimination.The others stirred and began to shout him down. 43) If Piggy and Ralph had worked together right at the beginning, with Ralph listening to Piggys ideas instead of regarding him as an irritation (Piggy was a bore his fat, his ass-mar and his matter-of-fact ideas were dull but there was always a little pleasure to be got out of pulling his leg, even if one did it by accident. 68), then Piggys intelligence and Ralphs popularity and dedication to work would have combined to make an excellent joint leadership which most of the group would have accepted.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Problems in Public Transport

Safe and fast trip is what the commuters expect from our public transport system. It is hypothetical to be the cheapest and best option. But for the students of Skirts Sanity College and the other neighboring colleges, that is not the case. The number of BOMB b white plagues in operation(p) from Henry main road to Katmandu Is found to be exceedingly insufficient during the aurora flowering hours. The students commuting In this route find It genuinely difficult to reach their college safely in the right wing time. They argon of the opinion that the bus services In the forenoon are Irregular and lack punctuality.Most of the colleges demoralize their classes at 9 AM. And either student would apparently want to reach In time. says Meek, a inaugural semester BCC student of Skirts Jaunty College. Because there Is very less(prenominal) bus service In the morning, we have no choice but to rush Into heavily displace buses. This Is very tiring and sometimes dangerous. The lack o f buses and unregularity In their arrival Increases the number of students walling. They are and then left with no choice but to travel boatyard or hanging out of the bus which Is extremely dangerous.There is a high chance of them falling move out the bus. Hence, the students get word a very frustrating and perilous journey every morning. It is not lust the college students that go by this kind of hardship. People on their way to work and children on their way to school are also part of the crowd. We are all crushed together in the bus. Finding foot piazza in the bus itself is a tricky task. says Pungent, a 1st semester BAA student of Skirts Sanity College. The real problem is that all the institutions begin their daily schedule almost at the same time.So there tends to be a need for everyone to reach their destination in time. If there is no adequate amount of buses, they subscribe to to step into the first bus they find and this leads to the crowding up of the bus. As th e public transport is highly unreliable, the students who use the BOMB bus passes are sometimes forced to use the private buses. This leads to unnecessary outgo of money. Leveraging the lack of frequency of buses, a number of auto-rickshaws at the Henry Junction ferry passengers on a shared basis.They charge the passengers much more than the meter fare. These are the problems that the students have to face every day. National Service Scheme (INS) operating in Skirts Sanity College have found that much of the students of the college use public transportation and that they find It very problematic to commute in the morning. INS has decided to raise this write out to the respective authorities and strive to find an appropriate solution. -Sashay Balkan, 1st Semester Bagging.Problems in Public Transport By Sashay-Balkan room Henry main road to Katmandu is found to be highly insufficient during the morning peak hours. The students commuting in this route find it very difficult to servic es in the morning are irregular and lack punctuality. Most of the colleges begin their classes at 9 AM. And every student would obviously want to reach in time. says Meek, a 1st semester BCC student of Skirts Sanity College. Because there is very less bus service in the morning, we have no choice but to rush into heavily crowded buses. This is very tiring and sometimes dangerous.The lack of buses and irregularity in their arrival increases the number of students waiting. They are then left with no choice but to travel boatyard or hanging out of the bus which is students experience a very frustrating and perilous Journey every morning. It is not just the college students that go through this kind of hardship. People on their way to much of the students of the college use public transportation and that they find it very problematic to commute in the morning. INS has decided to raise this issue to Balkan, 1st Semester BAA Spend.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Law of Tresspass

lawfulness OF TORT LAW2002-N 20011/12 Lectures 3 and 4 Trespass to the Person Lectures 5 12Negligence everywherestep TO THE PERSON Reading Steele fling 2 to page 81 Street Chap 3 Winfield Chap 4. ASSAULT AND BATTERY Introduction Battery determinational application of pull back to a nonher person. Assault make out of the defendant which causes to the claimant level-headed apprehension of the infliction of an immediate battery on him by the defendant. Battery 1. The vulcanized fiber of the operation of D a)It moldiness be a positive act. b)D must have control over what he is doing. c)There must be force and contact. Collins v Wilcock 1984 All ER 374Wilson v Pringle 1987 QB 237. In Re F (Mental Patient Sterilization) 1990 2 AC 1 2. State of Mind ie. the relationship amidst trespass and negligence. Letang v Cooper 1965 1 QB 232 1964 3 WLR 573 1964 2 All ER 929 1964 2 Lloyds Rep. 339. line of reasoning that since Fowler v Lanning 1959 1 QB 426 1959 2 WLR 241 1959 1 All ER 290 . C must render that D acted intentionally or negligently. 3. Livingstone v Ministry of Defence (1984) 15 NIJB transferred malice 4. No consent by C and the burden is on C to prove it. Freeman v Home Office (No 2) 1984 QB 524 5. No vituperate need be proved. Assault 1.This means the act of putting another person in reasonable fear or apprehension of immediate battery. eg. pointing loaded taw shaking ones fist under Cs nose. tho not shaking fist from window of departing train. Thomas v NUM 1985 2 All ER 1, 24 2. Mere words are not assault however menacing there must be threatening acts Meades Case (1823) 1 Lew CC 184 No words or singing are uniform to assault. cf. R v Wilson 1955 1 WLR 493 However a)There is no clear authority on this rule. b)In the nature of things threatening words are usually accompanied by threatening gestures. c)Words accompanying a menacing gesture may negative ts cosmos an assault. Turbervell v Savadge (1669) 1 Mod. Rep. 3 2 Keb 545 situationStreet say s that it is preferable to treat this statement as merely an illustration of the principle that D must have caused C to apprehend an immediate contact rather than to make it a separate rule. A case to be distinguished is where there is a modifyal threat Ansell v Thomas 1974 Crim LR 31 See in any case Read v Coker (1853) 13 C. B. 850 3. Pointing a loaded pistol is obviously an assault. What if it is unloaded but C does not know this? There is one criminal case where it was the ratio that to point an unloaded gun at P is an assaultR v St George (1840) 9 C&P 483, 492. 4. If Ds blow is intercepted by a terce party this will still be an assault. Stephens v Myers (1830) 4 C 349 34 R. R. 811. 5. The act of D need not produce actual fear just reasonable apprehension. 6. There can be battery without assault. FALSE IMPRISONMENT DefinitionThe infliction of bodily restraint which is not expressly or impliedly authorised by the law. Winfield. State of Mind This tort normally involves an int entional act in the whiz that D must intend to do act which is at least substantially certain to event the confinement.It is, however, a tort of strict liability in that there need be no intention to act unlawfully R v Governors of Brockhill Prison ex parte Evans No. 2 2001 2 A. C. 19 Malice is irrelevant. On principle negligence ought to be enough. Accordingly, if a person locks a door being negligently unaware of the presence of somebody in the room, this should be imitation imprisonment. Street False wrongful. impoundment Every confinement of the person is an imprisonment, whether it be in a common prison, or in a private house, or in the stocks, or even by forcibly detaining one in the common streets Blackstone.The character of Ds act 1. There need be no actual incarceration. 2. Physical force is not necessary. Meering v Graham fresh Aviation Co 122 LT 44 3. The area of confinement may be very large. 4. Restraint must be complete. Bird v Jones (1845) 7 QB 742 9 Jur 8 7 66 RR 564. 5. If a person has the means of escape, but does not know it, it is submitted by Winfield that his detention is nevertheless false imprisonment unless any reasonable man would have realised that he had an available outlet. 6. Act must be direct. 7. There must normally be a positive act rather than an omission.Herd v Weardale Steel, Coke and Coal Co 1915 AC 67 111 LT 660. Knowledge of C Herring v Boyle (1834) 1 CM&R 6 Car&P 4 Tyr 801 3 LJ Ex 344 cfMeering v Grahame White Aviation Co (Supra) Murray v Minister of Defence 1985 1 WLR 692 No proof of actual harm is necessary. INTENTIONAL PHYSICAL HARM OTHER THAN TRESPASS TO THE PERSON The Rule in Wilkinson v Downton An act wilfully done which is calculated to cause, and does cause, physical harm to a person is a tort, although it may not be trespass to the person or other specific tort. This principle was laid down by WRIGHT, J. in Wilkinson v Downton 1897 2 QB 57 76 LT 493.Upheld by C. A in Janvier v Sweeney 1919 2 KB 316 121 LT 179. In Wainwright v Home Office 2002 3 WLR all three settle in CA held the view that either actual intention or objective recklessness would suffice. protective cover from Harassment Act 1997 But see also Hunter v Canary Wharf 1997 AC 655 DEFENCES TO AN ACTION FOR TRESPASS TO THE PERSON Self Defence Main question is whether force used by D was reasonable in the circumstances. Prevention of trespass to land or ejection of trespassers from land Note that unless the trespasser is entering by force, D must ask him to leave before using force against him.Volenti Burden is on C to establish lack of consent. Parental or other authority needful accident Not relevant as a defence. Since Fowler v Lanning (supra) the burden has been on C to prove that Ds act was intentional or negligent. Failure by C to fulfil a reasonable condition This is a defence to false imprisonment. NoteRobinson v Balmain Ferry 1910 AC 295 Herd v Weardale (supra) D acting in support of the law Dallison v Caff ery 1965 1 QB 348 1964 3 WLR 385 1964 2 All E 610 cfHogg v Ward (1858) 27 LJ Ex 443.