Friday, September 13, 2019

Module 5 Discussion Ed Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Module 5 Discussion Ed - Assignment Example The author uses simple sentences coupled with vivid description to enhance the comprehension and to sustain readership. He creates realistic suspense that ensures that his audience reads on to completion. Among the numerous captivating sentences in the story is â€Å"he drank as a gut-punched boxer gasps for breath, as a starving dog gobbles food--compulsively, secretly, in pain and trembling† (Russell 1). The sentence summaries the entire story by providing an avid description of the intensity of behavior of the character. When I read the sentence, I developed pity for the character. My reaction was a mixture of both sadness and a heartbreak for the character’s sorry state. The author succeeded in evoking such a reaction through his artistic composition of the sentences. The sentence shows the author’s emotion and his ability to prove the ferocious nature of his father’s love for alcohol. Additionally, the sentence enhances the suspense in the story. The fact that it comes early in the sentence influenced me to read on in order to find out how the conflict

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